Home Of The Schulze Entrepreneurship Challenge

Development Grant

Development Grants are currently closed. Please check back in the summer for 2026 dates.

EIX and the Schulze Family Foundation will award up to $125,000 in development grants to institutions to support developing e-Fest teams and/or entrepreneurship related programs and activities.

To be considered for the grant, schools must be a four-year college or university, offer at least one entrepreneurship course, and encourage the development of an undergraduate e-Fest team.

First time grantees will receive $2,500. Schools that received a grant(s) in the past and met grant requirements are eligible for a continuation grant of $1,500.

Grant Rules

Funds are to be used to help develop e-Fest teams and/or support a school business concept competition or other undergraduate student-focused entrepreneurship activities. We expect grant recipients to mention e-Fest to their students and encourage the formation of at least one undergraduate student team. Funds are limited, all applications are screened for eligibility according to e-Fest rules, and grants are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

Grant recipients must:

  • be a 4 year college or university in North America
  • offer at least one entrepreneurship course
  • be engaged in student entrepreneurship experiences and learning
  • encourage the development of at least one undergraduate e-Fest team and ensure their submission to the online round of the competition. Continuation grants will only be available once a student team has successfully submitted to the online round.
  • visit the EIX.org website and provide feedback about using EIX.org entrepreneurship teaching resources in class and student activities.*

*Our EIX.org website offers free, peer-reviewed entrepreneurship teaching resources, research, and articles. EIX and the Richard M Schulze Family Foundation are the sponsors of e-Fest, which is held at the University of St Thomas, Schulze School of Entrepreneurship, in Minneapolis.

e-Fest Eligibility

  • Must be all undergraduate students registered during 2025 spring semester, or have graduated no earlier than Fall 2024
  • Must attend a 4-year college or university in North America
  • Must have a team advisor who is on the faculty or center staff at the university
  • Teams must have at least 2 and no more than 5 members
  • Other people can be involved in the venture (non-students / past graduates), but e-Fest student team members must have a substantial leadership role in the venture
  • Team members can be from different schools, but will submit as one team from one school for administrative simplicity
  • Winning teams agree to allow their video submission and slides to be published by EIX
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Student or advisor? Get ahead of the competition with an exclusive resource just for you!

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