Home Of The Schulze Entrepreneurship Challenge

Development Grant Application

Apply for a Development Grant

EIX and the Schulze Family Foundation will award up to $125,000 in development grants to institutions to support developing e-Fest teams and/or entrepreneurship related programs and activities.

First time grantees will receive $2,500. Schools that received a grant(s) in the past and met grant requirements are eligible for a continuation grant of $1,500.

Before you proceed, please ensure you have the following information:

  • A completed W-9 form for your institution.
  • The mailing address and contact details for the individual who will be receiving the check at your college or university.

Click here for a complete list of e-Fest Development Grant Rules & Eligibility

Grant Funds

  • Funds are to be used to support undergraduate student-focused entrepreneurship activities, school business competitions, and/or the development of an e-Fest team(s).
  • Recipients must encourage the development of at least one undergraduate e-Fest team and ensure their submission to the online round of the competition. Continuation grants will only be available once a student team has successfully submitted to the online round.
  • Funds are limited, all applications are screened for eligibility according to e-Fest rules, and grants are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please Note:

  • Grant application must be completed by a faculty or staff member involved with entrepreneurship education and who may also serve as a student team advisor.
  • There is one grant per college or university.
  • Grant funds may take 8-10 weeks to process.
  • Development Grant checks must be payable to the institution itself, not to a school, center, or department within the institution.
  • You may save and come back to your application at any time prior to submitting it.
  • Our EIX.org website offers free, peer-reviewed entrepreneurship teaching resources, research, and articles. EIX and the Richard M Schulze Family Foundation are the sponsors of e-Fest, which is held at the University of St Thomas, Schulze School of Entrepreneurship, in Minneapolis.
  • Colleges and Universities that are affiliated with an EIX editor are not eligible for development grants.

DEADLINE: Grant applications will be accepted until January 31, 2025. Please note that funds are limited and may be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, so early submission is encouraged.

For tips on how to use your development grant at your school, visit our website and connect with us on LinkedIn!

Please do not contact the Richard M Schulze Family Foundation directly.
If you have questions, please email [email protected].

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