Apply for a Development Grant
Thank you for your interest in our Development Grants. We have reached our funding limit for 2023/24 and are no longer accepting applications.
EIX and the Schulze Family Foundation will award up to $125,000 in development grants to institutions to support developing e-Fest teams and/or entrepreneurship related programs and activities.
First time grantees will receive $2,500. Schools that received a grant(s) in the past and met grant requirements are eligible for a continuation grant of $1,500.
Grant Funds
Funds are to be used to support undergraduate student-focused entrepreneurship activities, school business competitions, and/or the development of an e-Fest team(s). We expect grant recipients to mention e-Fest to their students and encourage the formation of at least one undergraduate student team. Funds are limited, all applications are screened for eligibility according to e-Fest rules, and grants are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
Click here for a complete list of e-Fest Development Grant Rules & Eligibility
For tips on how to use your development grant at your school, visit our website and connect with us on LinkedIn!
Before proceeding: Please have the mailing address and contact information ready for the person who will receive the check at the college or university.
Please Note:
- Grant application must be completed by a faculty or staff member involved with entrepreneurship education and who may also serve as a student team advisor.
- There is one grant per college or university.
- Grant funds may take 12-14 weeks to process.
- Development Grant checks must be payable to the institution itself, not to a school, center, or department within the institution.
- You may save and come back to your application at any time prior to submitting it.
- Our website offers free, peer-reviewed entrepreneurship teaching resources, research, and articles. EIX and the Richard M Schulze Family Foundation are the sponsors of e-Fest, which is held at the University of St Thomas, Schulze School of Entrepreneurship, in Minneapolis.
- Colleges and Universities that are affiliated with an EIX editor are not eligible for development grants. For a list of our EIX editors and their institutions, click here.
DEADLINE: Grant Applications will be accepted through January 31, 2024.
Please do not contact the Richard M Schulze Family Foundation directly.
If you have questions, please email [email protected].